COMMARon Gilad 2016K251BVirgola was born on the occasion of the interior design of a villa on Lake Garda. Its formal definition revolves around two starting points: the aesthetic/historical one and the functional/ergonomic one...
VolaMax Pajetta 2019K257B"Having known the architect for years, his very rational and controlled style, we were amazed when he presented us his prototype in white plaster, which expressed a strong and dynamic sign. We liked it a lot, it was a sign that was missing in our collection." Antonio Olivari..
WIND extensionOlivari study 2003K187The succession of curves that move gracefully and streamlined designs a handle that is pleasant to look at, but also to grip...
Iseo Ny is a round rosette handle in nylon designed by Sergio Asti, an architect who mainly works in interior and exhibition design. He has greatly promoted Italian design since the 1950s...