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Automatic threshold 1370 NS Automatic threshold 1370 NS
2 days
Brand: Comaglio
Mechanical sills fill the gap between the floor and the door leaf, thus ensuring tightness.Comaglio’s Italian door sills provide excellent protection against dust, light, insects, smoke, fire, drafts and noise, while not creating any obstacles to movement.Mechanical thresholds 1370 NS- The mechanism..
Ex Tax:35.54€
Automatic threshold 1800 XNS Automatic threshold 1800 XNS
2-3 days
Brand: Comaglio
Mechanical sills fill the gap between the floor and the door leaf, thus ensuring tightness.Comaglio’s Italian door sills provide excellent protection against dust, light, insects, smoke, fire, drafts and noise, while not creating any obstacles to movement.Mechanical thresholds 1800 XNS- The mechanis..
Ex Tax:31.32€
Automatic, screw-on threshold CONAX 1450
2 days
Brand: Comaglio
Mehāniskās sliekšņi aizpilda spraugu starp grīdu un durvju vērtni, tādējādi nodrošinot hermētiskumu.Comaglio itāļu durvju sliekšņi nodrošina lielisku aizsardzību pret putekļiem, gaismu, kukaiņiem, dūmiem, uguni, caurvēju un troksni, vienlaikus neradot šķēršļus kustībai.Mehāniskās palodzes COMAX 1450..
Ex Tax:16.53€
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